Hey all,
It has been a long time since I posted anything here. I am going back through my previous posts and will be editing and or deleting a lot of them. I hope to continue my multi part series on the separation of church and state soon. In the mean time here is this little gem. This was originally wrote as a comment to an article at National Review touting John Bolton as a candidate for president in 2016. Needless to say not to many of their readers (ok none of them) found it funny. But, f*** em. So here it is. Let me know what you think about it.
Wow keep picking those winners gop. Lets imagine this primary shall we. We could have John "even the Economist thinks I'm an a**hole" Bolton, Rick "frothy" Santorum, Sarah "compared to my mouth, only 20% of the things that come out of my vagina are retarded" Palin, Michelle "crazy eyes, my husband is not gay" Bachmann, Rick "pray for rain" Perry, Herman "I ran Godfathers Pizza into the ground" Cain, Ted "poopy pants pedophile" Nugent and just to pump his ego for a bit, either Donald "I date girls younger than my daughter because I secretly lust after her" Trump, or Newt "serial adulterer, deadbeat dad and really crappy author" Gingrich. And hey just for old times sake, lets give Jan "second amendment solutions" Brewer and Christine "I am not a witch" O'Donnell a spot at the debates. The gop keeps bringing the clown car to the elections and wonders why they get beat. Ooooops I almost forgot Jeb "my daughter is a crack whore and my brother almost brought the world to financial ruin" Bush!!! A sure winner because you know America just hasn't had enough of the Bush clan yet. The next republican primary debates are sure to be comedic gold.
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