I really love my job and the "benefits" it offers. I can't wait to drop dead working there when I am 75+.
Here is an idea. Lets abolish the retirement age ( a fascist plot against the poor trod upon "job creators" if ever I heard of one). You old freeloaders are a drain on the public coffers!!!!! Here is a notice to you seniors and future seniors. Your days of lazing around collecting SS and Medicare are OVER!!! Whaaaaaaaa whaaaaaaaaaaaaa I worked 40+ years until my body fell apart and deserve a few years to try and enjoy what little life I have left free from the degradations of abject poverty, hunger and illness.
Social Security and Medicare are not in the constitution (you know that document I have never actually read) you marxist, socialist, commie, fascist bastards!!!!!!!! Now get back to work or die (preferably at home and on your own time so the producers do not have to deal with your taker rotting corpse). Talk about FREEDOM AND LIBERTY!!!!. USA USA USA!!!!!!!!!!!
Sincerely yours,
A Tea Party Patriot.
A very colorful way of pointing out the atrocity.