Tuesday, February 8, 2011

separation of church and state

Hey everyone,
  Now alot of conservatives for years have been saying that the wall of separation between church and state is a fiction invented by liberals to remove god from american life. Nothing could be further from the truth in fact our founding fathers included the separation clause (as it has come to be known) in the first amendment to the constitution not to remove religion but to protect the religious liberties (including freedom from religion) of all citizens. And Thomas Jefferson (our third president) specifically called it a wall of separation between church and state in a letter to the Danbury Baptists. Please follow these links read the articles (and research more for yourself) then come back here and share your thoughts. So remember next time you hear a conservative saying there is no such thing as the wall of separation  they are either 1, ignorant of our founding document(and do not deserve to hold office) or 2, purposely misleading low information voters for political gain (and again do not deserve to hold office). http://www.usconstitution.net/xconst_Am1.html Read this amendment carefully. http://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/9806/danpre.html And read this letter from Thomas Jefferson himself. Hope this clears up any misunderstanding about the separation of church and state. And the real reason behind this clause(hint it not because evil liberal secularlists made it up to attack christians and god).

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